Sorry this is a long story.... Ok so theres this guy I know and we're friends but suddenly I realized I really like him he's cute funny and he can alway cheer me up. Today is our second to last day of school and after our math final I walked to the back of the room to return my calculator and as I was walking back I asked him something about Spanish homework. After school I was talking to him again as I said we are friends and this other guy I'm like friends with his name is Garrett pushes me against the guy I like oh btw his name is Jackson and I looked at Garett and was like what?? So I went up to him and said what the heck he's like yu like Jackson I'm like no I don't! And he's like ur always talking to him and today in math you walked halfway across the room o talk to him. I was like 1. Ur not even in my math class!!!! And 2. We're just friends and then Garett like just admit it and he said that Like 20 times and I was like god and he's like btw Sophie is telling everyone today the whole grade knows now and by this time I was pissed off so on the way to the elementary school to pick up my sisters was talking to my friend Addi and she's like Sophie told everyone and she's making u look horrible. I don't know what to do and if he knows I texted him but he's not replying I said hey I gotta ask u something anyway I really really like him and he always makes me laugh and at r class poetry reading in comm arts today he kept smiling and making funny faces at me I started laughing and he just looked so adorable today and I half hope he's reading thisbcuz I'm 2 chicken to tell him but I feel like I really have to btw Sophie is Jackson ex gf who is really mean and after he said I luv u Sophie she goes I like someone else I'm breaking up with you