This doesn't happen to me often but it happens every few times a month. This may be a long story because I really want to go into detail, and it's very hard because its almost indescribably.
The "dream" happened after I had just laid down with my fiance for bed. I wasn't yet sleep and tried to do a little experiment and see if I could push my self back out of sleep because I have done many times before but it felt different. I got butterflies in my stomach, it quickly spread over my whole body almost like someone had lain a warm weighted blanket over me. I was conscious but knew I was asleep because I could not move my fingers or raise my body as I had tried to. Then I heard this white noise buzzing it was very quiet but very loud, like the aftermath of an explosion, everything around me was a grayish tint and then everything started vibrating, i'm still not sure if its the room or my body itself.
Ok, this part always gives me chills when I think of it. I had thought I had woken up because I was 100% sure I was in my room but the walls were a grainy snow color, literally the screen of an old tv when not connected to an antenna. I'm laying on my back, I turn my head and I'm floating nearly a foot over my body...I look at my fiance and hes laying on his side facing my body and his eyes are black, don't know if they are open or closed. I call his name and he doesn't respond and then I get to the point where I'm shouting at him and he still doesn't budge. I focus on getting his attention because honestly I was afraid of what might be all around me, so I never look or tried to move from the bed. I look back over at myself and I kind of fall back into myself but still can't move. I take a few deep breath and then I wake up. I wake up my fiance and talk to him about the whole thing and he says he didn't hear me shout him name once, he's a very light sleeper.
Every once in a while when I lay down for a nap or bed I get that same feeling, but I quickly wake myself up before i fall into that deep sleep again. It scares me.

Has anyone ever known anyone that experienced something like this?