I'm 19 years old, and I was born with Mild Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy on the right side. When I was 14, I took an IQ test for special help in school and received a total score of 75 due to my weaknesses in processing speed, visual/spatial skills, and math. All of which are due to my disability. However, I scored high average to above average in reading, verbal, and spelling skills. I still fell into a sort of paranoid grief over my score. I had never acted like a person with borderline cognitive functioning, such as Forrest Gump. I was articulate, opinionated, and well-read. Everyone kept telling me that the results of a discriminatory test were inaccurate. I have never been a horribly slow learner, except in some harder math and science topics. I've never been a dolt who needs every detail spelled out. I took an IQ test again when I was 17, and I scored an 83. Eight points higher than the last time I had taken it. I never believed the test scores. I think that my IQ must at least be 100. I know it's stupid to keep worrying about a test that doesn't take my disablity into account. After all, I graduated high school with the rest of my peers, got a 3.35 GPA, and got into a pretty good college based on a stellar essay that I wrote. I know that academic achievement doesn't necessarily correlate with IQ, but I am positive that I'm not dull normal.