Long story short, I have had panic/anxiety and depression for a long time and have had really bad times in my life with some family members being verbally/physically abusive to me in childhood. Now as an adult woman, I feel I'm not worth being a wife, mother and friend and that no one is going to want me (men specifically) because I have said some nasty things to my family (coming from the past) and out of hurt and frustration because of my depression/anxiety. I feel guilty because I have called someone a name in an argument and have yelled, slammed a door etc and that these are not attractive qualities and people will think less of me and not want to be with me and that I'm a bad person. I was raised with respect and kindness and don't intentionally hurt people in any way, I am normally happy and by nature, a calm, decent person where it's the circumstances that brought out that kind of frustration in me rather that it being my true personality, but I feel like that sounds like an excuse. Your thoughts? What would you think of me?