I'm 14 going into my freshman year in Highschool. I have wanted to go to the USAFA ever since 6th grade. I have researched it so much and know a lot about it. The thing is that I'm I get good grades and I'm trying to do as much stuff as possible to improve my odds. I'm just not sure it's enough. Any tips?
Answers (1)
good grades are a must. Right now you should also focus on getting into shape. Exercise, and eat healthier. You don't need any special diet plans but make sure you're not eating too much. Watch portions and drink plenty of water.
You want to be as fit as possible before you go into basic training. The more fit you are the easier it will be. If you can keep your grades up and graduate then you will be okay.
I wanted to join the Air Force when I was about your age but I couldn't because of a heart condition I was born with. That's why I'm encouraging you to get active. Those are the two things you should focus on, graduating and getting into shape.