... always dripping? We do live in AZ. Then when the Monsoon season started, it did begin dripping. So we were concerned and want to know if we should consult an A/C tech or not. No issue in attic and A/C is one year and a few months old. New construction.
Responses (1)
You really should go to images.google.com and search for pictures explaining what "ac" means and how it does its thing. This is the world you live in, and you need to know a few things about it.
Refrigeration works by compressing a gas, which makes the gas get hot. That heat is blown outside, and you can feel it if you go there. Then the pressure is released and the inside air is blown over the pipes and it gets cold. When air gets cold, humidity condenses and it has to be conducted outside someplace and that is the "dripping" that you have noticed. Humidity in some parts of Arizona is rather low, so you might or might not see the dripping. "Monsoon" means a season of higher humidity.
It's ok to look occasionally to see if mud has built up where the water is supposed to run out. That might need to be cleaned after a few years.