Okay, this is the deal, I've been been with this guy for years. The last three of those years has been an off and on situation. I was in love with him and he claimed he was with me. I trusted him with my whole heart.

After we broke up the first time and he moved out, he got this female roommate. I thought it was all to make me jealous. He always claimed they were just friends and he could love only me. We were on and off from that point.

I moved on and went to grad school. Now, he pops in my life and tells me they are going to start dating and how would I feel about that. Really?! How does he thinks I feel?! And he tells me this while I'm in the middle of finals! I hate him! It just confirms any suspicions I ever had about them being more than friends. I know he was messing with her early on and that hurt because we were together then. He told me cruel things because of her. He's a coward! I don't want anything to do with him ever again!

I just don't feel like I can trust anyone after that. There was a time when I trusted him completely. He knew everything about me and just used it against me in the end. I know time heals most wounds but he cut me too deep this time. There is so much more to this story but I'm keeping it as short as I can. So how does one trust again after that? He destroyed my faith in relationships. I thought at one time he was the most trustworthy person in my life, so if he could lie to me like this and be do cruel, anyone can.