Several months ago I moved my daughter (& myself) 2 1/2 hours away from her father because he was making choices that hurt all of us. I had my own business which was doing well but the church where I was located wanted to use the space differently. The father of my child was playing a recreational sport 4xweek and didn't have a job so I felt moving closer to friends and family was a way my daughter's needs would be better met.

Now, it's been several months like I said and I haven't found a job. I have a masters degree but either I'm over qualified & they don't want to pay me that much or I'm under qualified! I am extremely depressed, as I have worked since turning 16.

My question, I guess, is "Do I move back to my original location??" The jobs are much more plentiful and my partner of 6 years said he would definitely go to counseling to repair our relationship. He has also been much more present in my daughter's life since we moved. He has gotten a very good job since we moved and it just seems he has realized what life is all about since he did not have us to hug or to hold anymore.

My partner and I are very much in love w/ eachother and although my parents disapprove of him - we're adults and can make our own decisions, esp. ones that involve the well-being of our daughter. He has a long history of substance abuse (15 years) & has ageed to see both a substance abuse counselor and a relationship counselor to ensure we do not grow apart again. While I do want to be a family again (we were so close and my daughter adores her daddy), I will never jeopardize my daughter's mental health & happiness by getting involved w/ someone who will hurt us again w/ infidelity & substance abuse. Children go through so much in today's society and her well-being is all that matters to me. I will always survive because I am so strong but children are so precious and fragile.

I just don't know what to do. People that love me think he will hurt me again but I feel he has made good, good changes (even finished 2 semesters of school) since we moved.

What should I do?