Was in a car accident , I was driving my friends car with her permission. I was the only one in the car. A man came out and hit. (T-boned as they call it) I suffered a concussion to the head, and was diagnosed with a neck & back sprain after they put me through the CT scan in the ER. I followed up with my PCP and she gave me physical theory for 8 weeks for my neck and back. During this time my head, back & neck continued to hurt so my PCP made me an appointment with Neurologist and back and neck specialist for me. The Neurologist sent me to a concussion doctor and the concussion doctor said I had a bad concussion and signed me up for physical therapy for my head because I am having bad headaches & migraines. The back and neck specialist thought I had a herniated disc in my neck when he did the X-ray. He sent me to get a MRI, and it showed nothing was wrong. But my neck hurt still every day. I have no car or no insurance. Neither does anyone in my household. So they told me I would be considered as full tort for this accident. From the police report & the witness it was his fault. His insurance found him 100% at fault for the accident. From the police report he had valid car insurance because he was cover under his mom and dad policy. But he had a suspended driver’s license. His insurance company told me they would pay me because he was at fault. And it was there fault for not checking for this to update their information about his license was suspended. From my own investigation he only has 15,000 per person liability. I field a claim against him & I also filed a UIM claim because my friend had a 25,000 per policy liability and has the UIM option on her policy. The crazy thing is my friends and the person who hit me both has State Farm. What do you think they will offer me in a settlement? And the driver was clearly at fault