like for using your own computer, or video game console, or any of the video or pc games, concerning the terms of use for such things,
1. do they make it possible for the users of their stuff to accidentaly break any such rules?
2. also if the terms of use for any service it applies to that you are using ever gets breached, arent they supposed to be able to catch you doing it and take action?
3. and if you did knowingly or unknowlingly break any rules but apparently you are not caught doing it or at least you are never warned for a long time like they must not have caught you, but you find out later yourself that you have been doing something against the rules, what do i do then? report myself? or am i still in the green according to the laws of the federal goverment, or whatever laws that matter, laws that say that if an action is unenforceable then there is no problem and stuff?
4. haven't things always worked this way, that if the terms of use for any service that has them especial electonic device and online wise, that their systems are designed to keep trach of such breaches and catch you to take action anyway? i was just wonder how long it has worked this way as far back as 1995 for windows 95, so i can know that for all of this time that if i ever did anything wrong then i would have gotten caught anyways, so that i know that maybe i never broke any terms of use rules for any of the things i ever owned or did,