A friend of mine lives in Portland, OR. Her american husband passed away few month ago without will and left only small money. She has no job and no income and the house still owns the bank a huge amount of housing mortgage. She is not able to pay over 2000/month to the bank and her name is not on the title of the house. She holds green card since 10yrs ago and speaks only little english, so her husband's son became the executor of the legacy. She is trying to rent an apartment so she has sold some valuable items from the house without asking his son, which she thinks it might be able to pay for a few month apartment rent to start over and then she can find a job. Now her husband's three children want to sue her for selling the stuff in the house because they worry there are not much money left they can get. They have no mercy on her at all. She doesn't know what to do now as she is in a very difficult situation. She is not able to hire a lawyer.
Can anyone knows about law gives her some kind advice? Thank you for your support.