Answers (20)
Hell yeah! Binary
If you want to become interested in hacking as a beginner (as I assume you are) you need:
-WiFi enabled
-Linux (or any Unix based O.S) *OPTIONAL*
-packet sniffing software
packet sniffing is intercepting incoming packets to a private network system by poisoning the gateway router of that private network. By poisoning the DNS records of a main gateway router can effectively redirect all (or as you choose) data packets straight to you.
The DNS poisoning isn't hard, its how to use the packets you receive. Your PC won't recognize the packets as it did not request them. If you have packet sniffing software you can control the use of those packets to virtually watch and control a PC as if it were a remote connection.
This may seem like tee hee haha fucking with your neighbors who don't use protected (or poorly protected) WiFi, but indeed...
Windows Server 2003 (including Small bus. ed.) has a known loop hole to intercept packets. Many businesses use Win03 as a router, thus a main gateway. But, this only works if the small business is dumb enough to not update their server. An update has been available for years to fix this problem. But, remember some companies don't update.
You can do the math on this to figure out a potentially fun way to start getting into hacking without all the coding and network science knowledge.
Additional Info:
Linux is more secure and harder to track. Many free versions of Linux is available. They look similar to Mac's OSX, but I suggest Redhat for starting on hacking. Ubuntu is also a friendly version. Just visualize a copy using on your mac/win system.
Packet sniffing software can be found on forums, white hat websites, torrents, etc. If ye seek ye shall find. (Sometimes only in Linux, by the way!)
I don't recommend or suggest hacking locked WiFi, as it is illegal.
I don't recommend or suggest hacking Business's , as it is illegal.
I don't recommend or suggest stealing any electronic property, as it is illegal
I don't recommend or suggest black hat hacking, as it is illegal
I do recommend and suggest white hat hacking, as it is an important part of this changing worlds security measures.
I do recommend and suggest learning hacking in a controlled, consenting and legal environment. White hat hacking can lead to interesting career choices as well as a cutting edge skill.
"Have fun!" - Jolly Roger
Hacking includes lots of stuff, you cant just say "packet sniffing software" lol
i say a good hacker not bad, good means who help friends in a problems
Hacking means finding out weaknesses in an established system and exploiting them. A computer hacker is a person who finds out weaknesses in the computer and exploits it. Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, or challenge. The subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to as the computer underground but it is now an open community While other uses of the word hacker exist that are not related to computer security, they are rarely used in mainstream context. They are subject to the long standing hacker definition controversy about the true meaning of the term hacker. In this controversy, the term hacker is reclaimed by computer programmers who argue that someone breaking into computers is better called a cracker,[3] not making a difference between computer criminals (black hats) and computer security experts (white hats). Some white hat hackers claim that they also deserve the title hacker, and that only black hats should be called crackers.
Visit the site given below:
i will like to know more about this hacking stuff
Sites to learn hacking:
The hackers handbook
Gray hat hacking series
If you actually want to learn about hacking my personal advice is to attend ethical hacking workshop first that was totally beneficial for you and on the other side there are books and sites also to learn about hacking one of the book that is really good for beginners is "The Hacker's underground Handbook"and site is Hacking Tutorial.
If you're a real hacker, you don't use programs to help. What you described is a "Script Kiddie", which is not a hacker.