Hi guys . I need some help. I have to make an important career decision very soon and i dont have a clue of what to do.
Im from kolkata, India. Completed my b.tech. in information technology last year. I did not apply for any job anywhere because halfway through the course i felt i was in the wrong place. Anxiety and depression soon took over and i managed to complete the course but with great difficulty. I have been under psychiatric observation for over a year and im a little better now.
I consulted a career counsellor and after taking account of all my problems she advised me to stay away from conventional jobs and pursue a career in creative field.
I dislike coding but would like to pursue a career in game design /web design, game art design. Should i opt for an online course? ( which one) or join an institute(recommendations).
Im very confused with what to do. Wasting a year did no good and ive to do something quickly.
Id like some advice from any one with firsthand experience in any of the fields above .

Thank you.