So i had another dream last night that was kind of diffrent since it was pretty detailed, but ill probably end up butchering it anyways... Ill try to do my best. Well first of all you should know some info before i tell you what happend. There is this kid i liked before i was out in my old school. His name was Jonny and alot of the things he did seem to point to him liking me as well. He used to do things like hold my hand, lie on my shoulder, and ect, just little flirty things. Being that i was in a Christian high school, the thought of two guys in a relationship was never EVER considered a possibility which led my comeing out happening after I left. OK now to the dream.

It started off with me and Jonny on bus with other kids from my school. We were on a trip in the mountains but it was raining pretty heavily. Over time the kids left the bus one at a time until it was just me and Jonny left on the bus. He got up and moved into my seat and we started talking. Spicy pg-13 things began to happen but we were stopped when the bus pulled into our stop which happend to be the christian school i went to. He immediatedly re-dressed himself and walked off with no reguard to me. We got into the school (mind you i havent visited the school in a year, and i left 4 years ago.) And felt genuinely uneasy. The faculty who i used to love now treated me like a stranger who is known to cause trouble. The students are worse. None of them will talk to me and when i decided to walk into the bathroom, which by the way was missing its ceiling, all of the guys stared at me as they walked out. I was so upset that i sat at a stairwell by myself texting my friend to pass the time untill I could leave. That's when Jonny found me and sat down right next to me. I remember asking him why he left me alone and acted completely diffrent when we were alone, but i honestly don't remember what he said to me , however, he was crying and looked genuinely uspet and scared. After that he put his head on my lap and i played with his hair till he fell asleep. Last thing i remember was looking outside the small window in the stairwell and noticed that the rain had stopped and the sun was brightly shining woth birds chirping.

It felt pretty real just as all dreams do but in my head while he was on my lap i heard " its just a dream...just a f****** dream." Anyways some insight would be great. Thank you for your time!