I've got a close friend who has a condition similar to schizophrenia. I’m 25 years old and so is my friend, we are both male.

I’ve known my friend ever since school and there have been times when I haven’t seen them due to the schizophrenia (they went years in treatment).

The last years my friend has become much better and very reliable like he once was before all of the treatments began.

He's got problems with money spending most of alcohol, tattoos and gambling!
However, my friend has given me things in the past worth $100 or more. I've also allowed my friend to buy my old phone which he paid me monthly for. The same for other things. But I allowed my friend to have a laptop, it was my idea, and he could pay me back total was $300 in small payments. My friend still owes me $50 for the last phone payment. I understand about his condition and know it was probably a bad idea to have done this.

Recently my friend became unwell and wasn’t able to meet as usual - they've just moved into their own place. He's also fallen out with his step mom and girlfriend. Now I’m beginning to feel the same. There has been little contact from his end for several weeks and it's me who has had to keep asking how he is and if he was available. I haven't mentioned the money owed what's so ever.

I'm thinking that he is trying to avoid me a bit because he feels guilty for not giving me any payments for the laptop. Or, he could be planning not to pay me at all, which would be horrible. He’s got time to meet a few other friends and post on Facebook, but isn’t able to find the time for me at the moment.

I'm not sure how to approach this now? Any ideas? He said we'll meet later next week when I phoned earlier, but on recent form this won’t end up happening. He didn't even mention the laptop or payments, neither did I. I was hoping me might say that he'd transfer a small amount. Should I half the debt? After looking on eBay I’ve realised my laptop is selling for $100 less, something I didn’t realise. Should I cancel the debt totally? Should I stick to the original agreement? Should I instantly hate my friend that I’ve been close to for so long and end the friendship?

You should also know that i am an over thinker so things like this bother me a lot after a while!

I’m not a revengeful person until I know someone has deliberately tried to be dishonest and take advantage of you on purpose. Sadly, this did happen once in the past. Anyone who does that I eventually teach them a lesson! I would hope my best friend isn’t doing that.

How should I approach this? Advice please!