I have been best friends with this girl in my grade for so long. Today I went to school and was having fun with her and my other friends. We had gym today and a lot of girls including me ( I'm female) we were wearing uggs and didn't bring our gym clothes and one of the girls running was rude bossy snobby nosy b****y girl. My best friend was walking and this mean girl started walking and talking to her. But the mean girl was making her crack up too at the beginning of the day. Me and my 3 good friends who are best friends with my best friend we all tried. Talking and hanging with her but the means girl would say she's my best friend and move her away from us. I thought this was completely childish and rude of her to do. We couldn't even go near her. I told my best friend how we all felt but she said the mean girl makes her happy but we all knew the mean girl did this for attention and popularity cause she does it to everyone but I cried cause I'm really upset and so are my 3 close friends! How do we solve this problem and handle our feelings.