Hi there :)
I'm a 18/m that wanna build an 6-pack
My ex-girlfirend broke up with me, because i was "fat". So i really wanna get fit so i can feel better about myself, and get revenge.
If anybody could help me with an workour program, that is able to be done at home, i would be happy :)
6 pack workout?
Responses (2)
My brother was in the exact same situation as you he immediately started going to the gym and started eating a lot healthier and saw a dramatic change within a month or two. I recommend doing a lot of ab work outs like crunches,situps,planks,cable rotation. Do about 15-20 of 2-4 reps,it all depends of how much you can handle. Also if you want gains you should drink a protein shake before or after your workout. I wish you luck on your revenge (;