What is -4.875 as a fraction?
Responses (3)
-4.875 = -4 + 0.875
Initially we will examine only the decimal fraction part.
There are 3 digits behind the decimal point, so
0.875 = 875 / 10^3
The exponent must equal the number of digits behind he dec.point. Base 10 is just the base of our numerative system ;-)
875 / 1000 = (875 * (1 / 125)) / (1000 * (1 / 125)) = 7 / 8
Finally we have to add the integer part which we had left unnoticed so far:
-4 / 1 + 7 / 8 ; convert the fractions to a common denominator
-32 / 8 + 7 / 8
-25 / 8
-(4 + 0.875) = -4 - 0.875
-0.875 = -875 / 10^3
The exponent must equal the number of digits behind he dec.point. Base 10 is just the base of our numerative system ;-)
-875 / 1000 = (-875 * (1 / 125)) / (1000 * (1 / 125)) = -7 / 8
Finally we have to add the integer part which we had left unnoticed so far:
-4 / 1 - 7 / 8 ; convert the fractions to a common denominator
-32 / 8 - 7 / 8 = - 39 / 8
-39 / 8
oops: The first line of my answer should read:
-4.875 = -(4 + 0.875)