Who plays Roblox?

Responses (9)

I do, but not that much

Votes: +0 / -0

Yes I do I'm skoboski

Votes: +0 / -0

In fact I record videos for youtube

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i do my name is battlefield4fan

Votes: +0 / -1

What does that have to do with anything we are talking about dude?

Votes: +2 / -0

cool dude.

Who You Be Talken To?

not me.

Votes: +1 / -0

I do sometimes, but it's getting really boring now..

Votes: +0 / -0

With all these removals and "updates" that is very true.

Me, but it seems RBLX is now dull. The same spark it had 5 years ago with creative games, affordable items, and tix is forever lost. Such a sad day for a nostalgic website

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I Do My Username Is boomdogz_25 Or BoomDogZGame

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