I am 3 months postpartum and have noticed that my belly is kinda strange. the bottom half of it is really soft, lose and jelly like. but the top half is hard and rounded... like i have a large ball sat just under my bust... is this normal as it was my first pregnancy...
Answers (2)
Hi, this is a normal thing. I think it usually goes away but some part stay loose. It's a thing that concerns most pregnant woman afterward. I had a friend that had a similar issue but if I noticed right her belly doesn't look like that anymore. It probably just takes time.
yes it is absolutely normal as your organs need some time to regain strength and get back to their original shape and position, although most of the post pregnancy weight goes away at its own but rest of it needs special care to get rid of, for this I used an herbal tea "mummy magic weight loss tea" of secrets of tea dot com. try this tea if it is getting stubborn as 3 months are too much to get to your own shape.