Do you believe in love?

Answers (126)

All day and every day!

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Well duh love is a wonderful thing

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yea ofcourse i do believe in love... it is what makes the ride worthwhile.. it is what makes people to knw abt each other...

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Yes o o o o.

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love is dead, but only money that can revive it.

Yes but true love with the right partner is hard to find

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Yes because I am in love. God loves me, my family loves me, my friends love me and vice versa.

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I think "love" is just another form of affection. Theres the type of love you have for your mom than the one you have for you boyfriend/girlfriend. So yes I believe that type of affection exsists.

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yes more than any thing

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Of course i do, love is the most awesome thing in the world, whats the point of living if you dont love, noone can live without love

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what kind of question is that ?? .... yesh love is very important in life, you dont just marry anyone you dont just have children to anyone you do all that with the person you love... love is essential in life, and what makes you ask this question is there something going on that you would like help with

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Love is an emotion. It's not just feeling but chemical attraction and recognition. No body questions whether sadness is real or not, love is just like any other emotion but it isn't so concrete, and that confuses people. There are so many variables to love : your personality, your life circumstances, chemical attraction, believe system. It all contributes to falling in love. And plus there is parental love that most everyone has.

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Of course I believe in love don't you

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yep and who doesn't

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*** What Is Love?

One description of love is ‘a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, a warm fondness or liking for another.’ It is a quality that moves people to work for the good of others, sometimes at great personal sacrifice. Love, as it is described in the Bible, involves both the mind and the heart. The mind, or intellect, plays a role because a person who loves does this with his eyes open, recognizing that he and other humans that he loves all have weaknesses as well as attractive qualities. The intellect is further involved since there are those whom a Christian loves—sometimes, perhaps, against his natural inclinations—because he knows from his reading of the Bible that God wants him to do so. (Matthew 5:44; 1 Corinthians 16:14) Still, love basically comes from the heart. Genuine love as it is revealed in the Bible is never merely intellectual. It entails deep sincerity and full emotional commitment.—1 Peter 1:22.

People who are selfish at heart are rarely capable of a truly loving relationship because a person who loves is prepared to put the interests of another ahead of his own. (Philippians 2:2-4) Jesus’ words “there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving” are especially true when the giving is an act of love. (Acts 20:35) Love is a powerful bond. (Colossians 3:14) It often includes friendship, but the bonds of love are stronger than those of friendship. The romantic relationship between a husband and his wife is sometimes described as love; however, the love that the Bible encourages us to cultivate is more enduring than physical attraction. When a couple truly love each other, they remain together even if a physical relationship is no longer possible because of the infirmities of old age or because one of them is incapacitated.

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