The best languages for creating web applications depend on various factors such as the project requirements, developer expertise, and the specific goals of the application. However, some widely used and highly recommended languages for web application development are:

1. JavaScript: JavaScript is a fundamental language for web development. It runs on the client-side (in web browsers) as well as the server-side (with Node.js), making it versatile for full-stack development. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js provide powerful tools for building interactive and dynamic web applications.

2. Python: Python is known for its simplicity and readability, making it an excellent choice for web development. It offers popular frameworks like Django and Flask, which provide robust features and efficient development workflows. Python's extensive library ecosystem and ease of integration with other technologies make it a favorite among developers.

3. PHP: PHP is a widely adopted language for web development, especially for content management systems (CMS) and dynamic websites. It powers platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. PHP frameworks, such as Laravel and Symfony, offer secure and scalable solutions for building web applications.

4. Ruby: Ruby is highly regarded for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly environment. The Ruby on Rails framework provides a convention-over-configuration approach, enabling rapid development of web applications. Ruby on Rails is favored for its emphasis on simplicity and productivity.

5. Java: Java is a robust and versatile language with a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Java-based frameworks like Spring and JavaServer Faces (JSF) offer comprehensive solutions for building enterprise-grade web applications. Java's strong typing and scalability make it suitable for large-scale projects.

6. C#: C# is a popular language for web development, especially in the Microsoft ecosystem. ASP.NET, powered by C#, provides a framework for building high-performance web applications. It offers strong security features, seamless integration with other Microsoft technologies, and a rich development environment.

Ultimately, the "best" language for web application development depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the development team. It is often beneficial to consider factors such as community support, available resources, and scalability when choosing a language for web application development.