What is the name of the person you have a crush on?

Responses (254)


Votes: +23 / -6


Leondre xx

(sigh) mine is Ethan. grrrrr. problem is, he can be a bit of an ***hole. I think he likes me, but I'm not sure. He is nice sometimes, but really obnoxious other times. Confusing much?

Jaxon Matthew



Kayla <3 <3 but she'll never love me.. she has a boyfriend </3


Ciaran <3 <3 <3


Rose dolph for our brothers in the friendzone


Evan M.

Mine is Gavin. <3

Votes: +8 / -4

I miss u Shell~~~<3

Votes: +9 / -2


Votes: +8 / -3

me to

lol. my name is grace.

i mean grace freeman



Wudu. lol

Freaking dumb people . . . Una pregunta puede ser bien una expresión lingüística utilizada para realizar una solicitud de información, o el pedido mismo realizado por dicha expresión. La información solicitada puede ser provista mediante una respuesta.

I have no idea who you are but my names grace too but it's probs a coincidence

Just figured out what you said in Spanish ok

Tommy...only known him a year, but still. =] I get butterflies when I see him, and he's on my mind A LOT.

Votes: +7 / -1

me to its hard

my crush is jake i see him whenever my tita's buying stuff.

Votes: +3 / -0

Are you Filipino because that means aunt?

Jake, a very big ***hole!!
But very, very, hot!!!

Annabelle she's cute,smart,and nice

Votes: +3 / -0

My crush is too... Her name is Nikita and she's leaving the school soon. :c

mine"s valerie cute smart and nice too(too much guys like here but no one ever to change her mind except for me)(but she already leave the school :(

Mine to i think about her a lot all day everyday

Votes: +1 / -0

You people are wierd. Pedobear is stalking you...

Anthony Sarno

Votes: +1 / -0

B1 off bannanas in pj's

Votes: +1 / -0

Lol XD
I miss that show :')

His name is jesse

Votes: +2 / -0


Votes: +2 / -0

Lol. That's my brother's name

jhasmine and she is fllipino

Votes: +1 / -0

Cool. I'm filipino :)

I am filipino to

Adrian :)

Votes: +0 / -0

Thomas Allen

Votes: +0 / -0

My On Is Aisha
