Is it possible for a man to get periods after getting a sex change and a womb transplant/transfer?

Answers (1)

WhIle taking hormones, a male to female transgender will eventually get her period, but not bleed. She will feel the cramps and other symptoms.

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No a man cannot have periods, PERIOD. There's zero credible science that claims it's possible.

The fact is, nobody is born in the wrong body. People can have identity issues, but it doesn't mean they were born in the wrong body. Also there's zero credible science to support such a claim.

People need to get professional help too get through their identity issues. It's a very common issue that doesn't require any irreversible damage to their bodies.

The majority of trans suicides occur after surgery. They've dreamed up a false scenario that their issues will be gone once they've transitioned. Then they realize that nothing, with the exception of their now deformed bodies, has changed and they're so crushed that they think suicide is the only way out. It's a very sad outcome.

There was a study done where a group of kids were followed from the age of five until they were eighteen. What was found that the kids that thought they were born in the wrong body, 80% grew out of it by the time they were eighteen.

If this is you, just do research on both sides of the issue. Research the most horrible possibilities of happening if you go through with it.

Just for the record, I'm 53 and have been severely depressed since I was nine years old. I've never felt that I've fit in with any group. I've never found a purpose for my life and would have preferred to have never existed. So this isn't coming from someone that life has always worked out for. I'm not lucky in life, so I'm not speaking from a glorious level in life. So I do kind of understand where "trans" people are coming from.