You need to take a class and learn the principles. You have learned some code words, but not the principles.
"Inflation" is a code word for counterfeit money, but nobody in the business will ever admit that. Nevertheless, it is a foundational principal. There is hard money, meaning anything with commodity value, and there is currency, meaning any promise to pay. Very different things, both called "money". The difference is that promises can be created without limit, amounting to "hot air", and that is why we speak of "inflation" and "bubbles". But people who make their living creating this phony money insist that it is all honest and normal, and the money they create is real money while anybody who insists on hard money is just a nut.
Here are some sites that are devoted to teaching honest principals. Study the free materials until you feel like you know a few things.
BTW you run into a lot of politics while studying economics. They are intimately associated, but not at all the same thing. You also have to put up with a lot of personal insults. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with what you learn, you just need to learn it.