(Im 17 he's 18)so I've been talking to this guy since around June 2014, and at Christmas I decided to take the plunge and go for it , we are happy , he always calls me perfect, says he'll buy me things , treats me like how any girl should be treated, last night he wanted a heart to heart convo with me and brought up that he wants a baby ? He said he's going to get a job and then wants to start trying for a baby when he turns 19 , I love him a lot and I agreed even if I didn't have the support of my family we might make a go at it, but this morning while he was in the bath ,he received a message on his phone from a girl ,I'm not usually the type to check anyone's phone but I thought I'd tell whoever it was that he'll reply after as he's busy ... But when I saw the whole conversation my heart dropped, it was messages saying I love you and cute things ,but they were only from her, non had been sent from him (that I could see) she sent messages to him like 'how are your side chicks' and ' thanks for last night' , I thought I'd message her and ask who she was , she replied 'your girlfriend silly' when I asked him about this he did make a point that it was her pestering him not him , he told me not to worry,am I making the wrong decision thinking of starting a family with him?help