What are the properties of birthstones?

Answers (1)

Amber - Thought to aid memory loss, purify the body, alleviate headaches, and bone and heart problems, Amber is known for its stress relieving and calming properties.

Amethyst - Aids in the reduction of insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, and circulatory issues. Amethyst is considered the gemstone of meditation, peace, balance, courage, and inner strength.

Aquamarine - Aids the liver, throat, stomach, jaw, teeth, eyes, and ears. Aquamarine is also known for releasing fear, calming nerves, and bringing mental clarity.

Citrine - Considered the gemstone to provide greater or increased hearing, Citrine also promotes success, abundance, and clear thinking.

Garnet - Aids blood, heart, and lungs and is known to promote romantic love, passion, sensuality, and intimacy.

Lapis - Thought to aid in the alleviation of insomnia and depression, Lapis is also known for creating openness, truthfulness, and creativity.

Onyx - Associated with the root chakra, Onyx brings spiritual inspiration, and control over emotions.

Pearl - Known for its calming properties, the Pearl is said to aid purity, charity, integrity, truth, and loyalty in its wearer.

Peridot - Healing stress in relationships, lessening anger and jealousy, and slowing aging, the Peridot promotes abundance and prosperity.

Ruby - Aiding the emotions is the Ruby's calling card. Also known to increase integrity, devotion, and happiness.

Sapphire - The gemstone of creative expression and inner peace and meditation, the Sapphire also aids in personal expression and the alleviation of pain.

Topaz - One of the most powerful gemstones, Topaz facilitates the balance of emotions and provides protection from greed.

Turquoise - A gemstone steeped in lore and tradition, Turquoise is a healing and balancing stone

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