Im 14 dating a 19 year old? is that illegal if my parents are okay with it?

Answers (2)

If you just look it up online. Yes it is still illegal because you are still a minor.

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The problem here is that both of you don't know how to find anybody else. That is not a good basis for a relationship.

There is a vast difference in development between a 14yo and a 19yo. He is at the peak of sexual urges and you are hardly old enough to understand what that means. Wait five years. Then you will be 19 and he will be 24, a much better match. Of course that is a third of a lifetime for you and a fourth of a lifetime for him. Both of you need time to get some experience with living and taking care of responsibillities before you make any permanent decisions.

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The biggest problem for a 14yo girl is not being competent to choose an appropriate man. My mother was 15 and my father was 21 when they married. They were married for forty years before she got a job and bought a car and began to enjoy life a little bit.