I fell in love with this girl and i knew that she was committed. Initially i felt i didnt had feeling for her so strong but then when we got to know each other well i found out that even though she was in livin relationship and had a good relation with her boyfriend in her past she was somewhat not happy. in clear words she told me that she was not comfortable with his as much as she was with me and our other common friends. She had daily fights with him and he didnt treated her well. She asked me should she breakup. I gave her advice not to takes things in hurry and she should not let her relation spoil and should give it a time and adjust. When i personally met with her BF i found out that he did took care of her but he was intolerable and he was short tempered and rude. He shouted on her in front of me more than once. Now she started staying with me most of the time.She told me that she considers and bothers about him as least important person in her life . She didnt wanted me to leave her alone whenever i wanted to go out for some work. But still we were friends and she still lived her bf.They had told their parents about each other By this time i fell in love with her like anything but still didn't want to hurt hers as well her bfs feeling so kept it with me. Then at one time i felt that now she is spending more time with me and i am somewhat coming in their relation ship i could not bear it more and told her that i love her. she said I am a nice guy and better one to live with but she cant leave someone just because she got someone better and i am friendzoned. Since then she didnt hung up with me barely talk with me, its like she doesnt cares whatever happens to me .She want to me leave her its good for both of us. Still by her actions talks and habbits i feel that there is some feeling left for me but now as what i see she is happy with her bf and sorted things out. What should i do. I tried forgetting her ignoring her and doing whatever i can do but still i cannot get her out of me. I cant see her suffering and anything happening bad with her at the same time i know that i am hurting myself if i remain like this for sometime i will get mad.