our relationship went realy good but now i don't understand whats going on.... we are not talkin to each other for a week now he is fully confused abt me.... he says he loves me and he cares abt me also bt he says you deserve a better guy dan me nd nt just stuck to a rude person like me nd i made him understand abt dis lso dat i only love him and i can only be happy with him... i cant imagine my self with ne one else bt he repeatedly says dat i dnt want to hurt you ne more.... n he tilll now has not told me dat he wants to breakup wid me bt we are nt talking to each other i even begged him to come back which i admit was my mistake i sudnt have done.... so now m giving him space n letting him miss me bt its gettin tougher for me nd its killing me now... wat sud i do now.... he so confused abt me dat he cant figure out wheather he wants me in his life or not... i even asked him politely if he is seeing some one bt he says der is nothing like dat n he still loves me bt wat sud i do plz help....:(