How can I remove ZABA SEARCH box from my Chrome screen?

Answers (1)

you know if you go to control panel in your computer go to where it says uninstall programs go in their and find the program that says zaba search and uninstall it or you can go to the top cornor of your internet page that has three lines in the upper right hand cornor click onto that and go down to internet options this will show other areas and its normally extensions and go in there and disable the tool bar zaba search

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I have this same question, but mine is on a Mac. Any help? :/

I had the same problem I finally find it!
It was in Chrome, right side top of screen the 3 lines,
NOT Options, go lower to choose More settings, then EXTENSIONS
remove the tick from the Search People box

Good luck

Mine isn't a tool bar, it's this little box that it constantly on the bottom left hand corner whenever I have chrome up. It never leaves and is always in my way because it goes halfway up my screen. In bold words it says FIND PEOPLE and then a search button. I didn't do anything to make this constantly be on my screen but it is so annoying and always in my way. I tried and I don't know how to make it go away. Could you please tell me how to get rid of it?

Click on the three bars on the right hand side.Highlight "more tools".Then pick "extensions".Under the heading EXTENSIONS,you will find "search people 1.0".Disable this extension & throw it in the trash.Had the same problem with my computer and this solved it...Hope this ends your frustration with Zaba search

OMG, this thread has saved my life! I have had this zabasearch 'find people' grey box on my screen forever and even if you right click it, go to 'inspect' highlight the areas and hit delete, the box only disappears for that page then comes back ARGHHH. I have a lovely high spec laptop for work and I imported my google account over to it today and to my horror, found the 'search people box on my screen of my lovely new laptop!

Although on my new laptop I do have the 3 dots in top right hand corner, I have no extensions yet! So, I went to plan b and went to the Exclamation mark in top right corner of my open browser page on each laptop, work and per and I scrolled down to 'more tools' - Extensions and it displays the boxes of all extensions and there you were! little nightmare was hiding there and instead of turning it off, I deleted it!

DO NOT FORGET to press 'update' on the top of the page or it will come back until you do update. I then did it again on my work laptop and refreshed each page I had open and voila!!!! IT WORKED! so thank you so much for that! I was absolutely going out of my mind with frustration. I'm so pleased.