Hi i met guy at work...i am married few years and he is also married for about a year now.
We were flirting at work and on work party, 6months ago, we started passionately kissin each other....
Rumour stared spread at work so we didnt talk to each other for few months better...only smiling and staring passionately on each other every day at work...
Now i found out he is leaving work so i decided i go talk to her...so i started talk wi him about job and then he suddenly said to me with smile on his face but with sad eyes that he is leaving company :-(
I said i will miss him and he should go...he said he leavin cos found better paid job and that he hates his current job....
Next day i pass him by he always reminding me that he is leaving in few days...
I wanna meet him 1 more time or give him my number but dont know how to tell him...
And i dont know if he still fancy me or no...as he keeps smilin on me and staring all day at work but dont even have my number ...nothing
How can i get 1 last goodbye kiss from him? Thank you