"America doesn't exist, I know ,I live there" Harriet beecher strow , explain this quote please?

Responses (6)

just another person rolling around in self pity. boo hoo i was born in America, "my lifes soo hard" ignore that quote chakib

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I've never heard that quote before but it sounds like she was saying that the America represented in popular culture of the time is a myth. This is true of most places. I live in England and it's nothing like Brideshead Revisited for me.

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thanks for help, this quote makes me crazy lol

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is there any one to help me plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think he means America does'nt exsist by saying it was Colonised by British and so so many immigrants like Polish,Italian,German,Scottish,Irish,etc all moved to America for a better life and therefore some Americans believe theres no such thing as an American.

If you google the American Melting Pot it will help you

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Sounds like Ms. Beecher was trying to say that people around the world see America as a wonderful, free country. Where dreams come true. People often talk about the American Dream. And how anyone can make it happen. But trully America is swamped in debt, homeless people, and familys torn apart by natural disasters. That yes, America exists, but not the America people want to exist.

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Opps, when I said Ms. I meant Mr. So sorry to anyone who was offended by this mistake.